Bathroom Proofing

Bathroom Waterproofing

A leaking faucet or leak from the shower head is usually not serious, because the water just flows into the drain from the bathtub, but it can waste a huge amount of water. Reconnect the water pipe, turn on the valve again and flush it. You can also consult with Brooks Company to fix your problem properly, we have qualified products and advanced technologies that helps to do work more quickly and gives excellent results. Check the toilet carefully to determine if water leaks from the new gasket. Leaking toilet may cause mold and water bills may increase, so any leakage should be removed immediately.

Large leaks from the toilet can be detected if the valve is hissing or bubbling when the toilet has not been used. To check for leaks, remove the tank cap and check the rinsing mechanisms. The water level in the tank should not be higher than 1 inch below the top of the overflow pipe. If the water level is at the top of the overflow pipe, the water slowly flows into the overflow pipe and drains into the sewage system. 

If it seems that leaks from the ceiling occur in areas where there is no sanitary fittings directly above, there is a possibility that the water inlet or drain pipe in the ceiling niche is leaking. The solution is to open the ceiling, in which you can see the damage and check the condition of the pipes running through the room. Leaks must be repaired by replacing defective pipes or fittings. Discoloration, dangling plasterboard or collapsing plaster and dripping water from the ceiling can lead to the assumption that the ceiling itself is leaking. In fact, water coming out of the ceiling is a symptom of a leak in another home system.